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Rock Salt Journals Forum

We are shutting Rock Salt Journals forums down until we can get the new forum up and running, hopefully within the next couple of weeks. The new forum will no longer include the Complaint Department and will have new rules, to be determined. Each member will have to agree to these rules in order to participate in the newly created forum. We hope to see you all there. In the meantime, we encourage all members to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter:

http://www.facebook.com/YellowRoseKat - Mattie's personal profile.
http://www.facebook.com/YellowRoseDesigns - Mattie and Dean's online business.
https://twitter.com/YellowRoseKat - Mattie's personal, business and Supernatural profile.

This forum is currently read only. You can not log in or make any changes. This is a temporary situation.
AnnouncementsLast Post
AnnouncementIMPORTANT NOTICE!!!04/04/2011 11:59AM
AnnouncementPalace Theater Updates06/01/2009 12:17AM
AnnouncementFAQ10/28/2008 03:17AM
AnnouncementRULES01/30/2010 11:03PM
Gunnar Eyewear - Especially for Computers! How do you think I'll look in these? ~Mattie

Gunnar Eyewear Gunnar Gaming Eyewear PPK Cobalt/Snow Frame
• ForumsTopicsPostsLast Post


A forum for Admins - the place for posting announcements for forum members like rules, important notices, warnings etc.0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

427April 04, 2011 11:59AM
• Rock Salt Journals Main ForumTopicsPostsLast Post

Hello World!

Step up and introduce yourself! :)0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

4208May 30, 2010 11:11PM

Coyote Fugly

A place to hang out, have a drink and chat.0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

61,652October 26, 2012 12:53PM
• StanfordTopicsPostsLast Post

Research Archives

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Crack Winchester's codes and tasks. (All codes and archived topics will be placed here.)3 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

89,296February 23, 2011 07:23PM

RSJ Book & Movie Club

Have a book or movie recommendation or review? Want to discuss what you’re reading right now or the great movie you just saw? We’ve discovered that most of our members so far have a love of reading, so we set up this Book Club just for you! And by popular request, we've added a movie club here too! (FYI: We won’t be discussing Tammi’s little grimoire here. It just ain’t gonna happen.)0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW

8157February 05, 2011 12:40PM

Stanford Library

What better place to discuss school related topics than at the library? All students are welcome here!0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

489April 21, 2010 01:09PM
• Shifter ForumTopicsPostsLast Post


A place to discuss the TV phenomenon that follows our boys every move. That psychic Kripke is certainly very good. 0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

20205May 07, 2011 02:53PM


Discussion about shifters Jensen, Jared, Kripke and the rest of the cast and crew. 0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

1373June 05, 2010 07:55PM


All spoilers, all the time. The ENTIRE rest of this forum from Coyote Fugly to the Avatar Arena is 100% spoiler-free.


This doesn't mean we don't love spoiler freaks, we do, which is why this forum is here. It's the trolls who post spoilers everywhere, not thinking about spoiler phobes - people who DON'T LIKE spoilers - we won't tolerate. Spoiler freaks, feel free to post here to your heart's content.1 visitor is reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

627July 20, 2010 03:55PM

Supernatural Road Trip

More details to follow. Special thanks to GauntletsAngel for the idea of "The Mother of all Supernatural Road Trips".0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

118August 13, 2012 12:44PM
• Bohemia - A Haven for artistsTopicsPostsLast Post

Avatar Arena

Share your icons, wallpaper and avatars here! (Please check our RULES for posting. As a graphic designer, our Webmistress strictly enforces them.)0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

570January 07, 2010 12:36PM

Arts & Crafts Gallery

Welcome to our Arts and Crafts Gallery. Calling all Artists! Post your artwork here! Paintings, drawings, photography, digital art, jewelry, collage, woodwork, multi-media, arts and crafts of all kind are welcome in this forum. :)

ALL ARTWORK POSTED IN THIS FORUM SHOULD BE YOUR ORIGINAL WORK! Fan artwork (avatars, wallpaper, icons...) belongs to AVATAR ARENA forum.0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

11208February 02, 2011 10:38PM

The Marketplace

Have something for sale? Looking for unique items to purchase? You've come to the right place.

(Please NOTE: this is a MODERATED forum. Posts will not appear until approved by our Admins/Moderators. Thank you.)0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

128November 30, 2010 05:36PM

A Room of One's Own

A Room of One's Own is an extended essay by Virginia Woolf based on a series of her lectures. The title comes from Woolf's conception that, 'a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction'. [source: wikipedia.org] We can't offer money but we believe this extends to all people. Our writer's forum is open to anyone who wishes to share their writing - fiction, non-fiction, fan-fiction, short stories, articles, essays, scripts... etc. 0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

11140October 16, 2012 02:15AM

The Cooking Loft

A place for budding chefs and people who need to know how to boil water. Post recipes, cooking questions and answers in The Cooking Loft. (Yes, our Webmistress watches too much Food Network, but I wouldn't recommend trying to get the remote away from her when Guy or Duff are on. ;) )0 visitors are reading this forum.
Moderators: Admin, Mattie, Husitka, DeanJW, MissouriMosely

4101January 20, 2010 04:18AM

Online Users (Users active in the last 15 minutes)

Guests: 2
Record Number of Guests: 117 on January 29, 2025
Rock Salt Journals Forum - Forum Statistics

Topics: 115, Posts: 12,503, Users: 129.
Our newest member connorjack.